Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Has always been fascinating us since the advent of story telling. We as a people have this insatiable need to have the hell scared out of us. Why? Well, perhaps its for the thrill of being in a dangerous situation without ever actually being in any danger. Kinda the same way you might drive extra fast on the highway or jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Whatever it is, man seeks his thrills in a myriad of ways. Well, me myself, I used to seek thrills in very dangerous ways sometimes, sometimes not. But now that I have reached an age that kind of thing is behind me, I seek thrills from a different source, namely films. Especially horror films. Back when I ws a lot younger, horror films used to scare the shit outta me, but nowadays, the only thing that really scares me is a needle or a rat, otherwise, I know what I'm watching ain't reality and therefore no need to worry about it. "Why watch the then?" I hear you asking. Because, I still like to identify with the characters in the movie and escape for a while still and nothing provides that escape like a horror film. So, that being said, lets get this party started with our first film for this blog which will follow very shortly.......


  1. I agree, nothing gives you an escape like a good horror!

  2. Bell Nuntita has a cameo role as a flight attendant in a new Thai horror movie titled "407 Dark Flight" from Five Star Production Company that also brought you the old horror movies


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